Tuesday 12 February 2013

Week 2

Why have you selected this starting point?
I have selected Personas as my starting point because it seems like an interesting challenge. 

What are you planning to look at for Primary/ Secondary research?
Primary Research Is Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transexual community. 

Which artists/designers will you be looking at? 
Diane Arbus 
Inzajeano Latif

What materials/techniques would you like to experiment with?
Photomontage/ Joiner

Which experiment(s)are you planning to make?
I am planning to cut up some of the photos and piece them back together to show the fragile element of the persons confused gender as they probably don't tell everyone they cross dress and their pride could shatter if certain people found out.

Week 1

Why have you selected this starting point? 
I have chosen this starting point as the everyday is everything around me. This will give me the chance to see things that I am always around in a different way. 

What are you planning to look at for primary/secondary research?
From looking at Klaus Pichler my primary research will be from my clothing and items within my household. I will photograph between various process' such as washing, tumble drying and hoovering I will be able to collect dust from the filters of these household appliances to photograph.

Which artists/designers will you be looking at?
Klaus Pichler
Kirsten Hoving
Pierre Cordier

What materials/techniques would you like to experiment with?
Photoshop, Stitching

Which experiments are you planning to make?
General Enhancement of my images preferably using products from around the household to make the enhancements.



Monday 11 February 2013

Exam Project: Inside, Outside and In between

These are my general ideas and interests to start me on my journey toward my final piece. I will explore different aspects by various artists to expand upon the range of techniques I have learned in the past and to work to creating something for my final piece.

1.Roxanne Worthington
Travel - Slow Shutter speed
2. Klaus Pichler
Rotting food
3. Klaus Pichler
Rotting Food
4. Klaus Pichler
Rotting Food
5. Lisa Folino
Chemically Manipulated Polaroid Film
6. Susan Derges
Cameraless photography- Photograms using the landscape at night.
7. Kirsten Hoving
Might wanderers- Photos frozen in ice
8. Kirsten Hoving
Night Wanderes - Photos frozen in ice
9. Christian Marclay
10. Christian Marclay 
11. Adam Fuss
Daguerreotype Photograms
12. Eve Arnold
Realism - Bar girl in a brothel in the red light district
13.Eve Arnold
Realism - Happy family in action
14. Diane Arbus
Realism - Film photos of 2 friends
15. Diane Arbus
Realism - Un-staged Portrait of a women smoking
16. Bruce Davidson 
Realism - Street Portrait of a women holding a cat
Realism - Black and white portraits of bus passengers - photo booth setting
18. Inzajeano Latif
Realism - Digital Portraits
19. Diane Arbus
Family Settings - Crying baby
20. Diane Arbus
Characters & Persona - Cross Dresser
21. Diane Arbus 
The environment - Human Experience. Child holding a gun.