Thursday 22 November 2012

Final Film Moodboard

This is a mood board i created to inspire me to create an interesting outcome towards my final piece. I find Amy Friends work really beautiful, she pays more attention to pinning holes in people but i would place holes in the landscape if i did use this as inspiration for my outcome. Timothy Pakron Selectively prints peoples portraits in the darkroom, I find it so interesting that only part of the photo is visible but can still see what it is, it adds a sense of mystery to the image but I can still get a lot from it, I can see the expressions on the peoples faces i think he has left out parts of the photo that are not are not very expressive. Curtis Man used bleach to deface his photos which I find is such a daring approach as you can never really no how it will effect the image until it is done, Also as they are colour prints the way the bleach erodes the ink in the photo leaves an effect of fire, this is one of my favourite enhancement ideas, this would work well with my theme of landscapes. Matthew Wardle uses trees as his subject matter and produces these beautiful black and white photos in the forest, I love the pictures he takes of trees from low angles, it gives the trees a sense of extra height. All these artists work have greatly inspired me and given me ideas for my outcomes.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rochelle. Thanks for using my work on your mood board.. Really great work btw!
