Thursday 24 January 2013

Final Piece


  1. Rochelle - you have a lot of work to do still... please ensure the following is ALL complete by Monday 28th:

    • Moodboard (initial ideas)
    • 4 initial idea sheets
    • 3 x in-depth analysis of artists from idea sheets
    • 7 day photo challenge
    • shooting plan for first ideas
    • digital experimentations
    • darkroom experimentations
    • handmade experimentations
    • progress review (stating your intentions for the mock exam)
    • final film mindmap/moodboard
    • in-depth analysis related to final outcome
    • final evaluation
    • pinterest
    • sketchbook

    Good luck! Refer to all previous lesson posts and if you have any queries leave me a comment on here and I'll get back to you.

  2. Rochelle - in addition to your list of work to complete please write an in-depth analysis to the work of Pierre Debusschere. It's a perfect contextual link for your outcomes!!
