Wednesday 1 May 2013

Dark room Prints

These are prints I done using 35mm Film. I solarized some of the prints by exposing them like normal then after putting them in the developer I exposed them under the enlarger light for 2.5 seconds. I then dispersed the image back into the stop and fix to complete the process. I spot developed some of the prints and i think this really suits the theme of my photos; I photographed objects from peoples bags around the college environment. The fact that these belongs are enclosed in peoples bags makes them private at times, They may include things that people may not want to be seen by others. The spot developing adds to this by only allowing you to see parts of the image and it makes you question why you can't see it all.
This print has a cloudy effect because when i was spot developing i used a paint brush that was soaked in washing up liquid which i did not realise until various attempts of re-printing. Once realising i found it quite interesting to rub the paintbrush over the whole print for an interesting affect.

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