Friday 10 May 2013


When I first started the exam project 'Inside Outside In between' I was interested at looking at still life, I found a photographer called Peter Lippmann who creates Still life's that have a glamorous touch to them incorporating objects such as food and Feminine objects like handbags and make up. I was inspired by this and decided to recreate it by using objects such as a cup of coffee, coffee beans, nail varnish and jewellery. I thought this was a strong starting point for still life as they were not so typical and looked very cool like they could be in a magazine. The represented females well and I think the images themselves were well lit and had quite good contrast. Some were not well in focus but for a first attempt I thought it was fine. 

My first digital starting point was the everyday, I photographed my laundry before I washed it and at the end of the process I retrieved the dust from the Tumble dryer filter and photographed it. I got this idea by looking at an artist called Klaud Pichler, I found it refreshing to know that objects from the everyday that we simply overlook could be so great to photograph, the fact that I was involved with the process of creating the dust was also something that made me more intrigued by the outcome. I thought from this I would develop my ideas further by photographing more dust found in different places but then my ideas changed as I decided to ask strangers if I could photograph their belongings from either inside their bags or pockets. This related to the theme well as I took objects from inside someone's personal space and photographed them in a studio setting which is not very personal, it strips away the persons identity and gave the still lifes a sense of mystery leaving you questioning who the person was and what their life was like, why they had those items with them. I experimented with solarization and spot developing, I think the second experiment fit well with the idea because you couldn't see the photos clearly which gave them back a sense of privacy.

I also created some 3D photos using Photoshop, I photographed various people as I looked at many different artists that done portraiture and recognised this was something I really enjoyed. I combined this idea with inspiration from Brad Carlile as he photographed rooms and the colours in his photos inspired me to edit my portraits to make them look 3D.

I researched crime scene photography and decided I wanted to do my final piece on this subject, I found it so intriguing that i wanted to try and recreate my own crime scenes. 

Overall I found the exam project difficult but i enjoyed j=some of the work I produced. I dont think i will be pleased with my final outcome when it is complete, I think i could of created something more unique.

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