Tuesday 3 July 2012

brief analysis of documentary photography

This is such a powerful photo, it makes me questions the problems in society. When do you ever see a child holding a gun. Its really sad but the child doesn't look very unhappy, i think he looks lost, maybe he thinks it's just like playing a video game, but then again he is probably from a third world country who don't have video games because they are too busy being turned into child soldiers, the black and white makes it even more interesting. The headband looks like it is in Islamic script so it could be to do with religion, this is a love hate photo because i love the photo but not what it represents. His environment must be really scary he must be forced to do things that could scar him for life. the photo really gets me thinking how lucky i am because when i was that age i was just playing at the park with no worries. The contrast between our society's are out of this world on some levels.

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