Wednesday 4 July 2012

Typography photograph adobe photoshop tutorial

The image used is one that I took at Grange Park in Thornton Heath, it was such a sunny day and i thought it was a lovely view. I think this experiment was successful but could of been improved with larger font.

Open image. Text ready in an open document. Split image into sections by going to colour range, select shadows & mid tones and paste into layers separately. Join the two separate layers together and then create a new square document for the text to go on. Copy and paste the text using a font of your choice, i used Edwardian script and a font size of 30. Turn the text into a brush by defining brush preset and naming it. You can then use it in your other document, select the brush u just made starting off with it quite small and making sure it's in black, use the stamp on different parts of the image. Make it bigger and smaller so the fonts are in different sizes. Create a layer mask, hide it, click layer 1, select all, copy, click on  the layer mask, paste and then deselect. Invert your image, create a new layer underneath the text layer with a white background. Edit the text layer by going into layer blending options, open up the gradient box, click on screen for the blending mode and select a coloured gradient. Change the scale of it and angles to suit yourself. Click ok. Choose a black brush size 30, opacity 40 and paint over the image which helps to get rid of some of the excess white, helps to pick out some of the key areas which are less obvious. Your typography style image should be complete.

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