Tuesday 3 July 2012

Saatchi Gallery 'Out of Focus' Visit

This series of photos is by Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin. All of the photos are untitled, there are 12 in the top row and 13 in the bottom row. All of them are black and white fibre based prints, from 2010. They contain various subjects such as landscapes, animals, houses, people and portraits. I like how they are presented in circles instead of the more common rectangle, they are small but effective as i found myself intrigued and leaning forward to have a closer look at them.

Mikhael Subotzky, Vaalkoppies (Beaufort west rubbish dump) 2006- The photo is called Samuel, the person in it has on a mask which hides their identity but it is more interesting because the photo is named after someone most probably the individual. He is in a rubbish dump which is clearly an open space. Maybe he is trying to tell put across a feeling by using his surroundings, maybe he feels worthless. I like the explanation I have thought of but I am curious as to what the true meaning behind the photo is.

Jon Stezaker created a series of collages were he cleverly combined 2 peoples faces. I noticed many old famous faces including the likes of Anne Frank. I like this series because it isn't too serious, the photographer clearly didn't take the photographs so i don't think his work should be on show in a photography exhibition. He stuck them together which is more like arts and crafts.

Matthew Day Jackson - The Lower 48 - 2006
48 C-Prints each 39x56cm Overall: 312x336cm 
The piece of work was about double my height and i'm really tall, it containted a variety of photos. Different sunsets, types of nature such as trees rocks sky and sea. It was really nice to have lots of little subjects creating one big piece because you may prefer other sections more then others.

Marlo Pascual 
Untitled 2010. I found this funny because presenting a photo like that had never crossed my mind. When something is torn I wouldn't think yes that's how i want to present it but this peice of work has helped me to remember presentation doesn't have to be the norm to be accepted.

This was definately my least favourite piece of work by A.L.Steiner called 'Queer is the new black' The title is so shocking and rude. I think this means black people were hated because of their skin colour and now queers are being hated because of their sexuality. It contains 77 prints, it's a collage of loads of things you wouldn't see every day..Naked people, someone masturbating themself with a fag in their hand. There are also pictures of black people jotted around. which makes them the minority.

Mariah Robertson - Moon crosses sun, Roscow. 2007
This picture is out of focus but still very representative, the blue & whites in the flares of light obviously represent the moon whereas the red & yellows represent the sun. This is farely simple but when i first looked at it imagined it was cars driving on a high way but then i noticed the different colour lights and cars lights more commonly shine white.

 This series is by Katy Grannan, The people in the photos anonymous, most probably because they are not the norm. There is a man dressed as Marylin Monroe, in fact all of the photos i selected have men in them which is something i didn't realise first off. Maybe this is what they like to do behind closed doors e.g. play with bunny rabbits and dress in clothes for the opposite sex. I like this series of portraits because i've never come across such a diverse set. I notice that when you looked at portraits the people are usually more attractive or what we consider to be normal but these portraits leave me wanting to know much more about the people in the. The series was taken in Los Angeles & San Francisco Boulevard, Series 2009

Sohei Nishino - Diorama of Paris, Tokyo & New York 2009.
This was definately a favourite of mine, photomontages are very time consuming and i'm sure a helicopter was needed to reach those heights. Its fun to look into the photos and spot out places you recognise. On first sight it reminded me of the birds eye view of london because of the city and the rivers.  

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